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Use of Global Standards certificates & certification marks

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Use of Global Standards certificates & certification marks

Global Standards will provide its certified clients with the relevant Global Standards certification mark(s). Certified clients may utilize the certification mark in communication media such as the internet, brochures, letter paper, envelopes, business cards and certain packaging (see Table 1). When permitted, this mark can be used in conjunction with the relevant accreditation mark (see Section 2 below for references to the additional rules on the use of accreditation body marks). Global Standards’s mark(s) may only be reproduced in black.

If the scope of certification does not include all products and/or services provided by the organization, and/or all locations/facilities of the organization, the material bearing the mark shall not suggest that all products/services/sites/locations of the organization are covered by the scope of certification.

The mark(s) cannot be altered or modified. However, it may be resized, provided the proportions of the entire mark are maintained and all features of the mark are clearly distinguishable. When the mark as provided includes an accreditation number, the number is part of the mark and cannot be removed from the mark.

The client shall not use the certificate and/or the certification mark(s) provided by Global Standards in such in a manner that would bring Global Standards, and/or the Accreditation Body or, and/or the certification system into disrepute and lose public trust, and shall not make any statement regarding its product certification that Global Standards may consider to be misleading or unauthorized.

Under no conditions shall the management system mark be affixed to a product or used in any other misleading manner that might suggest product, process or service certification. The mark applies only to management system certification. (For further details see Table 1 below)

Photocopies or electronic copies of original “paper” versions of the certificates may be in full color and need to be watermarked or otherwise marked as being a copy of the original.

Electronic versions of the certificates provided by Global Standards, and identified as such, can be used by the certified client for publicity/promotional and/or printing purposes without being watermarked or otherwise marked as being a copy of the original. The certificate can be used “as provided” by Global Standards and cannot be altered or modified.

If the client provides copies of the certification documents to others, the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme.

The right to use the certification mark by the organization cannot be assigned to or acquired by any other person, entity, or corporation (including through a change of ownership of the organization) without Global Standards’s prior written consent.

Upon a reduction of the scope of certification, the client shall amend all advertising material referring to its certification to properly reflect the reduced scope.

Upon withdrawal or termination of its certification, the client shall discontinue its use of all advertising material that contains a reference to certification, and take actions as required by the certification scheme and any other required measures as directed by Global Standards.

Testing and Calibration Laboratories Specific Requirement: Certified laboratories are not permitted to apply Global Standards’s mark (with or without the accreditation marks) to their laboratory test and/or calibration reports, as such reports are deemed to be products in this context.

Contractual obligation: Correct use of the certificate, certification mark or accreditation mark is a contractual obligation and will be monitored at surveillance and certificate renewal assessments. Any misuse of the certificate, certification mark or accreditation by the client may result in suspension or withdrawal of the certification by Global Standards. Global Standards’s considerations with respect to suspension or withdrawal will be as follows:

Inadvertent misuse: with this activity, the organization will be required to immediately withdraw the offending materials, or Global Standards will suspend certification until the misuse is rectified. Repeated inadvertent misuse will not be tolerated by Global Standards and therefore will be cause for withdrawal of certification.

Fraud: with an activity considered premeditated on the part of the organization, Global Standards will withdraw certification and publish notices to that effect in the directory of certified companies.

Table 1: Guidance table for proper use of management system certification marks (*)